
Everything you can do with Refraction.

Add types

Add types to your code to make it easier to understand.

Add types

Generate unit tests

Turn source code into unit tests for your framework of choice.

Generate unit tests

Style check

Check your code for style issues and suggest fixes.

Style check

Generate regexes

Tell us what you want your regular expression to do and we will write it for you.

Generate regexes

Refactor code

Optimize your code to use better, more modern practices.

Refactor code

Generate SQL queries

Tell us what you want your database query to do and we will write it for you.

Generate SQL queries

Create CI/CD pipelines

Tell us what you want your CI/CD pipeline to do and we will write it for you.

Create CI/CD pipelines

Separate hardcoded literals

Move any hardcoded strings or numbers in your code into variables.

Separate hardcoded literals

Learn new concepts

Ask about programming concepts and get a detailed explanation.

Learn new concepts

Improve code

Tell us how you want your code to be improved and we will write it for you.

Improve code

Explain code

Explain the purpose of your code to make it easier to understand.

Explain code

Create documentation

Add inline documentation to your code to make it easier to understand.

Create documentation

Generate diagrams

Tell us what you want your diagram to show and we will write it for you using Mermaid.

Generate diagrams

Add debug statements

Add debug statements to your code to make it easier to understand.

Add debug statements

Convert CSS styles

Convert your CSS styles from one framework to another.

Convert CSS styles

Generate a CSP

Tell us what you want your Content Security Policy to do and we will write it for you.

Generate a CSP

Create functions

Tell us what you want your code to do and we will write it for you.

Create functions

Convert code

Convert your code from one language to another.

Convert code

Detect bugs

Check your code for bugs and suggest fixes.

Detect bugs
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Start building great software with less effort.

Use the power of AI to automate the tedious parts of software development like testing, documentation and refactoring, so you can focus on what matters.